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  • Tan Seng Hock

CCMC Growth Groups Sunday Warmth Lunch

7 July 2024 is a special day. On this day, CCMC celebrated Growth Groups (GG) Sunday. The GG Ministry, with support from many GGs, hosted the church to a warmth lunch for both the 9am and 11am services.

After service, worshippers stayed back at the MGS canteen to enjoy the food and fellowship with family and friends.

Some of the sumptuous food served included carrot cake, chicken rice, satay, lemper, homemade sayur lodeh, tau huay, among others.

Many of our One Community (OC) & Young Adults (YA) congregants who came also enjoyed freshly delivered pizza.

The canteen was packed with people and thriving with activity after the 9am service.

Church member Mr Sonny Tan summed up the general sentiment of the lunch, saying that the warmth lunch is “a good initiative to bring people together and grow in relationship.”

After the 11am service, a volunteer serving at the Agape GG table expressed, “When we serve, we want to give God our best!”. Hallelujah!

Agape GG’s table was beautifully laid out by their members, about half of whom are octogenarian.  

Some of our cheerful intergenerational members coming together

Finally, we wish to acknowledge and thank the 10 Growth Groups who supported the event by sponsoring and serving lunch.

Serving after 9am service:

Serving after 11am service:

Blest West Too

Blest West Forth


Eng Neo

Great Commission

TBD (To Be Disciples)

5D4G with Praise



To find out more about our Growth Groups Ministry, click here.


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