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Christmas Jazz Gospel presentation

by Goh Eck Kheng

CCMC has been presenting the Gospel through stories and songs in a Christmas presentation since 2016.

Because of Covid-safe-distancing rules, this year's presentation, entitled Heaven & Nature Sing, will be pre-recorded and broadcast online.

The video link: will be available from 18 Dec 2020, 8 pm onward till 6 January 2021, which is Epiphany, the last day of Christmastide in the Christian calendar.

The music style of the presentation will be jazz, featuring Un-Broken, a jazz group comprising mostly CCMC members: Mario Serio on keyboard, drummer Jimmy Lee and vocalists Michelle Serio and Lee Shu-Lyn. The bassist is Casey Subramaniam. Matthew Tan, will be singing a key song in the presentation.

The presentation was recorded at a fully-equipped sound stage.

What remains unchanged is its format based on the well-loved Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King's College , Cambridge. The set text from scripture will be read by Matthew, Anita Fam and Steve Hardy.

Here is a clip of The Little Drummer Boy.

CCMC's Pastor-In-Charge, Rev Dr Malcolm Tan will preach the Gospel. Those who wish to respond to the Gospel message may do so online.

For English, go to or scan the QR code below

For Chinese, go to

For Korean, go to

This information will also be given in the video itself as well as in the video description field of Youtube. For mobile devices, the video description field may be opened by clicking on the small arrow below the right bottom corner of the video screen. For desktops, click "Show More" below the video description under the video screen.

Join us in this time of celebration through scripture and song as we tell the ageless stories of Christmas. Spread the information about this presentation to your small group members and church friends.

As this an Evangelistic presentation, do invite your pre-believing friends and family members to tune in.

Pray that the Lord will use the words and music to draw people to Himself.


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