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  • Toon Jieyao

Come, follow me

By Toon Jieyao

In July 2022, Reverend Daniel Terence Yeo led a recce trip from CCMC Mandarin Service (CMS) to Thailand. Following that, twenty-one members attended a combined retreat and missions trip from 17-22 October 2022 to Pai, a town in northern Thailand.

The CMS team spent two days ministering to the Mandarin-speaking Shan Di Chun Village Church by means of combined worship, biblical teachings and altar ministry, of which the latter two were conducted by Rev Yeo. As part of the ministry work, the team was led by the Holy Spirit to collate a love gift for the church, to which the church leadership later shared that this had been their prayer for the church’s Capital Expenditure needs. The church leadership were struck by how the Holy Spirit had opened the hearts of the members. Usually reticent by nature, their outpouring of expression during worship was palpable.

After ministry work at the church, the CMS team spent a full day of individual and group prayer sessions, facilitated by Rev Yeo, which concluded with Holy Communion. Each member later shared during their testimonies that they had a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit during the prayer sessions. As with the recce trip, the CMS team had been richly blessed spiritually by the hospitality of those whom the team had met: Shan Di Chun Village Church’s leadership and congregation, the owner and staff of the team’s accommodation, (the property is owned by a Christian), and the residents in the district who participated in an evening outdoor worship session led by the CMS team.

Throughout the trip, the CMS team witnessed the power of Jehovah Jireh, He had fully provided manpower, talent, facilities and favorable weather. The trip also fostered a closer bond among the CMS members to pray and fellowship with one another in a deeper way, otherwise interaction among the members was largely confined to Sundays during weekly service.

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

-Mark 16:19-20


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