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Our Nepal Trip – A Bouquet of Blessings

Suzanna Lee
Happy faces all around!
Happy faces all around!

Our trip to Nepal almost did not happen. There were too many doubts and fears on my part. But God squashed all my doubts and fears, sending signs and blessings which testified to His will in this matter.

Blessing #1

It all started in early 2024 when I had to submit plans for the new financial year. I asked God: Shall I plan a medical trip to Nepal? But, having never gone on any medical or dental trip myself, I agonised over the decision. Then Hui Leng, a friend with much experience in medical and dental trips to Cambodia with another church, offered to help.

Fast forward to April … my plans and budget were submitted and approved! The next few weeks, I invited every doctor and nurse in CCMC whom I knew, but NONE of them said ‘yes’. Disheartened, I cried out to God: Did I hear you wrongly? If you really want the medical trip to materialise, please bring two doctors, two nurses and two pharmacists.

The team in Nepal
The team in Nepal

Blessing #2

At this time, I began to feel jittery: neither Hui Leng nor I had ever been to Nepal. How were we going to lead a team there? I asked God whether I should take a recce trip there by myself.

I received a message from the TRAC Board of Missions, informing me that they would be organising a Mission Field Development trip to Nepal starting late August, and inviting me to join them.

I could hardly believe it - God had already prepared this recce trip for me! Not only that, but He also provided a roommate when Woong Hong, another Missions Committee member, decided to come along! Thus, I was able to go and familiarise myself with Nepal.

Blessing #3

In the meantime, we started our publicity and registration process. By July, we had two doctors (Drs May San and Kelly), one pharmacist (Iris), one nurse (Michelle) and Dr Kelly’s son (Dylan) on board. While I was assured that one pharmacist was sufficient, I continued to pray for a second nurse. Finally, Michelle managed to persuade a nurse friend named Aileen to go! Thus, my dream team was complete.

Blessing #4

The day to set off for the trip finally came. The team assembled at Changi Airport and checked in at the automated kiosks. Suddenly, a team member exclaimed, “I’ve got upgraded to Business Class!” Then another member shouted, “I’ve been upgraded too!” Soon, we found that all eight of us had been upgraded! This ‘blessing of a luxurious start’ (in Dr May’s words) was a surprise indeed! To me, it was a sign of God’s approval and encouragement.

The girls of Sophia's Home
The girls of Sophia's Home

Blessing #5

Upon arriving in Kathmandu, we left for Wesley Bardan Methodist Church for our health talk to the girls of Sophia’s Home, to be delivered by Dr Kelly. Initially, when Dr Kelly informed us that she was a gynaecologist, we wondered if she might be ‘over-qualified’ for the trip. But it turned out that her qualifications were most suited for this talk! The team enjoyed singing, eating and interacting with the girls so much that we felt reluctant to leave!

A view of the Himalayas.
A view of the Himalayas.

Blessing #6

The next morning, we left Kathmandu for Bhadrapur, the nearest airport to Vijayee Methodist Church where our medical camp would be held. After getting window seats on the left side of the plane as advised by Joe Ling (MMS’ Country Director in Nepal) so that we might catch a glimpse of the Himalayas, we peered through our windows with bated breath. Soon, above the white clouds of the crystal-clear sky, the first snow-capped peaks appeared. We clicked our cameras excitedly as more peaks appeared. What a breathtaking sight! This was so much better than paying a fee to go up Chandragiri Hills as I had originally planned to do on our last day but had to cancel that plan due to the change of our flight schedule!

The dedication ceremony for Vijayee Methodist Church.
The dedication ceremony for Vijayee Methodist Church.
Blessing #7

Upon arriving at our hotel, we were delighted to meet the delegates from Singapore, led by Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, who had come to Nepal for the Annual Meeting of the Methodist Church of Nepal and would be staying at the same hotel. Our team thus had the blessing of eating and fellowshipping with them and being encouraged and prayed for by Bishop Wong.

The plaque unveiling at VMC.
The plaque unveiling at VMC.

Blessing #8

The next day, our team participated in the Dedication Ceremony of the newly - constructed extension of VMC. It began with the unveiling of the plaque by Bishop Wong and Pastor Chandra of VMC, followed by a service attended by all the MCN pastors, VMC members and the Singapore delegates.

As I listened to the speeches, I felt a sense of pride that this small village church which CCMC had been supporting since 2012, was now able to build an extension with their own resources, for their growing congregation.

Blessing #9

The next morning, we opened our clinic. With 109 patients spread evenly over two days, we worked at an easy pace which enabled our doctors to spend sufficient quality time with the patients.

We flew back to Singapore with the feeling that while we had gone to Nepal with the intention to bless the Nepalis, we, in turn, were doubly blessed. Thank you, Lord!


Suzanna Lee is CCMC's Missions Committee Chairperson (2023 - 25).

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