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  • Kenneth Koh

Songs & Stories of Faith 2023: The stories behind-the-scenes

In the heartwarming tapestry of faith-driven events, few resonate as profoundly as CCMC’s annual outreach event, Songs & Stories of Faith (SSF), taking place on 26 August 2023.

Led by a wonderful group of orchestrators – Michelle, Buck Chye, Shu Lyn, Elizabeth, Stephanie and their team, SSF seamlessly weaves together the threads of compelling personal testimonies with the edification of musical worship.

These dedicated individuals each bear a tale of their own, one interwoven with faith and a deep passion for sharing the power of God and worship.

Join us as we delve into the chronicles of these individuals, and unveil the narratives that have shaped their contributions to SSF.


Michelle Goh-Serio

L-R: Mario Serio, Michelle Goh-Serio
L-R: Mario Serio, Michelle Goh-Serio

Every time I hear a Christian testimony that speaks of His goodness, blessings and miracles, I am empowered & uplifted, hopeful & grateful.

Empowered & uplifted because we worship a God who is mighty & steady. He always has our back.

So fear not. It’s like the childhood boast “My father is bigger than your father” 😅

Hopeful & grateful because His mercies are new every morning. No matter how many times we stumble, He forgives & continues to love us - regardless of who & what we are - as long as we repent.

He is a God of big & small things. Nothing and no one is unworthy of His love and grace, as long as we choose to belong to Him - because He gives us free will.

He is also a God of second, third, fourth, fifth…and umpteen chances. I should know. Because I am an undeserving but grateful recipient.

Psalms 77:11-12 sums it up:

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will consider all Your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

Not only will I remember, but also tell others about Him. More people should know of our wonderful Abba Father. Good news must never be kept to oneself.

No need to preach. Show and tell God’s many extraordinary blessings in ordinary lives.

Let ordinary people tell their extraordinary stories. To give hope and courage to anyone going through tough times.

The power of music

Poet and Harvard professor Henry Wadsworth Longfellow famously said, “Music is the universal language of mankind.”

I believe that these honest humble stories of faith anchored with the right songs will touch hearts and lives.

Starting SSF

After seven years of excuses saying “no time and no resources”, I finally stopped procrastinating.

God had indeed put the moving parts together - friends with stories to share, a talented band named “UnBroken” (all with broken lives that are UnBroken by God’s grace).

Hence, Songs & Stories of Faith (SSF1) was birthed on 30 March 2022. This year, SSF2 will be held on August 26. God willing, it will be an annual musical evangelical outreach at CCMC.

My objective and mission are simple. To show, share & sing of His Goodness to everyone and anyone.


Dr Tan Buck Chye

We are called to be Great Commission Christians, to proclaim the Good News and the Kingdom of God.

Unfortunately, most of us are caught in the busyness of life and seldom step out of our comfort zone to reach out for Christ.

Most of us also feel inadequately equipped and find few suitable opportunities to share.

This is why it is important for our Church to provide outreach events for our members to participate in the Great Commission. Songs and Stories of Faith is one such platform, with authentic sharing of personal testimonies and ministry through gospel music.

Not everyone can be an evangelist but all of us can invite a friend or family to this event.

It has been my personal conviction that all must consider a few important questions determining our destiny for eternity:

Is there a God? Why does it matter? Do I really need God in my life?”

I pray more will come and consider these important spiritual contemplations.


Elizabeth Chua

What is SSF to you?

It is a church-wide inter-ministry outreach effort, declaring that God is real, He loves us and wants us to come to Him.

Why do you volunteer?

I am motivated to volunteer because I want people to know that miracles still happen today.

God worked miracles in the lives of many people even in our present day. He has never left the world although Jesus has returned to heaven.

Most importantly I want people to know that God’s presence in CCMC is real as demonstrated by what He did at the Easter event in 2016.

I pray through Songs & Stories of Faith, people’s faith in God will be reignited.

Many more will know him and come closer to Him and serve Him.

Objective and mission

My objective as a follower of Christ is to live as a faithful servant. There is no greater accomplishment than to be called a good and faithful servant by Christ.


Stephanie Tong

I watched SSF 2022 and was delighted by the happy worship music, dance, beats and vibrant colours that radiated fun and joy.

That is how God and Jesus want us to live - with Joy and Renewal each day.

I was invited by Michelle Serio, my bible study group leader who radiates Joy and serves the Lord.

I wanted to serve the Lord like her. I wanted to help her and bring more pre-believers to Christ.

God delights in those who serve with joy. Jesus is a servant leader.

I want more people to enjoy how Christian music refreshes the soul.

Through serving and working with different personalities, I have learnt not to "judge", be humble and to care.

In caring, I start to hear the other person's challenges and difficulties. That helps me to understand what the other person is going through, and empathise.


Lee Shu Lyn

Christian band Unbroken, of which Shu Lyn and Michelle are a [art of, will be leading worship at Songs & Stories 2023.
Christian band Unbroken, of which Shu Lyn and Michelle are members of.

At Songs & Stories of Faith 2022, I saw a side of my CCMC family I never saw before. I will always remember the scene in church that day.

Auditorium Level One was full-house; 50% were guests (non-CCMC members).

CCMC members were all so excited you could see the light in their eyes when you talk to them


So many invited their pre-believer and distanced-believer friends. Others brought friends in need, and joined in fervent prayer as the Pastors/Befrienders prayed with the guests.

Everyone was welcoming and connecting to each other in the after-session networking.

From the stage, it felt wonderful as we celebrated our “real personal journeys with our real God”.

Stories that were meant to be retold, the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done.

Psalms 77:4 reads:

“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation, the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”

Let's do it again at SSF 2023, CCMC. We have an unfailing God.

Let’s "Declare His glory among the nations, his marvellous works among all the peoples!" (Psalm 96:3)


Songs and Stories 2023 takes place on Saturday, 26 August, at the MGS Auditorium.

Join us for an afternoon of beautiful music & testimonies, as people share personal stories of God's miracles in ordinary lives.

The event is free to attend.

To book your seats, WhatsApp 9179-2973 today!


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