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  • Michelle Han

The John Wesley Graphic Novel

By Michelle Han

Did you ever enjoy comics as a child?

Have you ever scratched your head for a simpler way to explain to your children who John Wesley is?

If so, this latest offering from The Methodist Church in Singapore might pique your interest. Back in 2019, they approached author and illustrator Favian Ee to undertake this project to make Wesleyan history more accessible to all. With Favian’s visual effects background working on Hollywood blockbusters, his carefully researched effort has culminated in a full-colour graphic novel spanning John Wesley’s family history, the start of his ministry, and the arrival of Methodism to Singapore.

Together with a five member advisory team including Rev Melvin Huang, Secretary, Council on Communications and Rev Dr Chiang Ming Shun, lecturer in church history at Trinity Theological College, Favian sought to present John Wesley in a relatable manner, highlighting events such as his crises of faith and his romantic troubles. The team also served as a check and balance to ensure the book closely captured the life and essence of the founding father of Methodism.

If you’re looking for a meaningful gift for someone this season, you can get your copies at any Methodist church in Singapore or via self-collection from Methodist Centre (Barker Road) from this order form.


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