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  • Alicia Tan

Virtual Concourse takes a break while on-site service resumes

by Alicia Tan

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ – Psalms 127:1

This morning’s Virtual Concourse marked the close of the first season of virtual fellowship as CCMC resumes on-site Sunday Worship Service on 6 December 2020, the 2nd Sunday in Advent.

Virtual Concourse members reflected on how the online platform had helped to spin off fellowship groups like makan (eat in Malay), cycling and more. What remained key were the opportunities to remain connected and the ability to adapt to and be resilient in the new normal.

With church resuming on-site service soon, Virtual Concourse will take a break as members look forward to attending service in person.

Under Phase 2 of Singapore’s re-opening, the on-site service is limited to 50 persons. CCMC’s online services will still continue every Sunday for those unable to attend on-site service.

CCMC On-site Holy Communion Service

6 December 2020 9am, Auditorium L1

(Registration is now full as at 29 November. Look out for the registration links for the next service.)


1. ATTENDANCE is by PRE-REGISTRATION only and WALK-INS are not allowed.

2. All bookings will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

3. Office staff will be ready to assist with your booking requests. Call 9834-5669 from Mon 30 Nov 9am onwards. Calls will only be accepted from 9am-5.30pm Mon-Fri only. Emails and WhatsApp messages will not be accepted to be fair to everyone.

4. There will be one English language on-site service at 9am in the Auditorium and one on-site Mandarin Worship Service at 11am at the Chapel, which will have to be relocated once we can restart our 11am English Language Service.

5. Please pre- register your attendance every Sunday through our online reservation systems. The links for both Services will be released on the CCMC Website, Telegram Channel and announced at our Online Service.

6. Registration of individual names for ALL Attendees (max 5 persons) required (includes household members, children, helpers).

7. Upon successful application, a confirmation email and/or SMS will be sent to you. Links for retrieval of your Registration Pass will be provided in the message.

8. The pass must be shown for admission. Please DO NOT activate the Registration Pass till you have checked in for the service on Sunday. (This system works better when you select the option of registration by SMS.)

On-Site Services:

1. Plan to arrive 15mins before Service to complete Safe Entry, Temperature and Registration checks.

2. Show your SecureMeet Booking Confirmation at the Registration Counter.

3. Use either TraceTogether app or token for Safe Entry scanning. (For instructions on how to download and use the app:

4. Cooperate with Church Staff/volunteers with regard to Safe Management measures before entering the Auditorium at 9am or the Chapel at 11am.

5. Face masks are to be worn at all times.

6. Follow ushers’ directions as they bring you to the designated seating areas, approved by MCCY.

7. Follow the one-way flow of entry/exit.

8. Observe safe distancing requirements of keeping 1 meter distance between groups/individuals.

9. In keeping with MCCY regulations, singing will not be permitted during the Service.

10. Mingling before, during and after the Service is not permitted. Do not speak to each other, especially at the carpark.

11. Please record the SafeEntry exit and leave the premises immediately after the service.

Please pray that the Lord will bless His Church as we restart our on-site Worship Services.

Read how CCMC members remain connected during Circuit Breaker:


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